Aussie mum forced to hand daughter over to authorities after losing international custody battle

Yea na. As someone who has an abusive partner (I fled back to my home state we still in the same country) if he wasn’t abusive I’d love for my kids to have a safe father. But he isn’t safe, so I went through court to make sure he never gets the chance to hurt them. Christmas 2018; I invite him into my home to spend time with my sons for Christmas.. he told me “we were all his life’s problems and he was going to have someone take care of us with his contacts”… my sons were barely 2. And he was thinking of having them murdered.

If I made up terrible lies about my ex and he was actually a great dad I would fully expect my kids to be taken from me and the matter be dealt with in court. She can go back to the country and seek split custody instead.

Lying about abusive partners needs to be punished more.. because it completely removes the importance for women (and men) like me who really need to be believed or we’d be killed.

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