Austria’s foreign minister Sebastian Kurz has called for an immediate ban on Islamic fundamentalists who distribute copies of the Koran, saying that the law needs to be changed to crack down on “Salafist campaigns - an expression of political Islam which we can no longer tolerate”.

How do you measure the: "Intent to spread Islamic State values"? You can spread ISIS without a Koran. When your holy book is banned by the secular government, spreading Islam becomes easier because the main selling point for Islam is acquiring buddies who have your back when the powers that be don't. Banning the Koran strengthens the conversion power of the clique.

If Austria's foreign minister was a bit smarter, then he would change up his strategy to require that whoever sells copies of the Koran must include obfuscated versions of the Koran that are "more authentic" that have better translations that have more rigorous and clear directions from Mohammad and Allah to slay infidels (who are muslims who are not practicing the true Wahhabi path).

You've got to be smarter than the last 1400 years of civilized societies that tried to kill off Islam. They were unsuccessful because they were dumb about it. Islam must have it's violent tendencies encouraged, and the most violent Muslims celebrated as the only authentic Muslims. Eventually the entire world will see them as we would see a melanoma.

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