Swedish Politician Who Fought for Equality and Open Borders Is Beheaded in Congo

Grimdark, I regret a little bit the tone in this sub, sometimes. But it is a particular sense of humour, and much more importantly, there is no censorship.

I used to be somewhat active in r/socialism, r/latestagecap, r/twoX. I understand the need for compassion in 2X, but even then, they became oppressive and boring. It was clearly an unhealthy circlejerk.

I unironically respect your ideals of equality, empathy, etc... But these things work well within a western civilization. In this new borderless™ world, you have to keep your ideals intact, of course, but you have the responsibility of thinking about the consequences of your policies, not just about the endorphin rush of giving a gift.

One thing this subs is so angry about is that the ones in your camp feel so good about open borders, and feel validated by the good feelings of brotherhood, but you have not taken the time to think coldly about how little "good" it brings to the african countries, and how much irreversible, abject, heartbreaking bad it brings to the european host countries.

/r/uncensorednews Thread Parent Link - thegatewaypundit.com