Awesome study that shows actual histamine levels!!! (and different levels based on how they were cooked)

These studies I added here were to see whether extreme dietary restrictions are necessary for low-histamine diets.

Most websites like to generalize by grouping everything into one category as red , yellow , or green. I prefer seeing exact measurements b/c it is a spectrum, & not everything has histamine. This can also give you a better idea if there is a different amine that you may be more sensitive to as well.

All of the worst ones (aged cheeses, fermented products, soy, spinach, eggplant, citrus) seem to be pretty consistent with the websites.The other ones were at different severities, which I find to be extremely helpful.

Hope this info helps and inspires other people to look through studies to find info vs. trusting websites that didn't do a lot of digging. I've seen so many website articles that just add a handful of references where it's linked to studies where only the "abstract" is visible or some old study from the 1980s.

Also important to note, these are fresh foods & not processed. These were also from Spain, which to be fair has a different level of freshness vs. foods in America (which typically ships a lot of produce from outside the country), whereas Europe requires less preserving & time to transport.

/r/HistamineIntolerance Thread Link -