Aww that's so wholeso...what

Yes in fact they are screwed. You literally answered your own question. If a person is not determined to put out the work what the fuck do you expect the outcome to be? Sure there are some people who just cant but those are few and inbetween hell a 80 year old mother of a man with no limbs and blind in Asia is carrying him around and doing work just to take care of him is able to do it so should you. Her riches is seeing her son be able to enjoy what little life gave him. If you want to be rich there are books to teach you how economy works and how to abuse those systems. Fuck open up several different saving accounts in different banks with no governmental taxes on and you can make a couple of thousands each year. 10 years down the line it could be half a yearly income. Invest that money in something. There are so many ways to get rich or get extra cash. And also you wanted an extreme example of a third world country I gave you one of my mother to show you that alot of people do know. And my mother wasnt the only one who got out of the country when shit hit the fan but she didn't have a support group of family and friends who could loan money. My mother was an outcast due to the fact she was mixed blood. Russian and tjetjnian, that's why I grew up fatherless and that's why I believe my mother is better then all those people because she did in fact do this alone. Now unfortunately I see people in first world countries struggling with this shit and it baffles me how a third world country single mother can surpass people who have lived in a stable country for generations and I do blame that on laziness and excuses. Obviously you and me share two different views on this but again I do believe you are choosing to see to much of the negative side of like your favourite sub is r/latestagecapitalism

The stuff you are saying about how everyone should deserve a chance is such an idealistic view on the world and I guess you have to had to experience som bullshit to realize that that's never going to be the case because of fucking lazy people. I have seen people throw away golden chances at something more but they just didn't want to because that would require a bit of effort.

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