Azealia Banks Posts About Committing Suicide on her Instagram Story

What has she said in the past few weeks that are all of those? Genuinely asking as I haven't heard. The homophobia is a bit more complex, shes been outspoken about a percentage of white gay men appropriating black women's attitude and culture.

I somehow doubt that she is genuinely homophobic, an interviewer asked her once about the idea that she makes music for gay people and she answered "whats wrong with that?" Plus she's bisexual herself and has featured queer culture in her music (Fierce e.g.). Her use of the f word is a shame but she has said in interviews that where she grew up that always meant a woman hater and had nothing to do with its homophobic use. I mean obviously its better not to use it and accept that its damaging. There was that VICE article but I think if you read the twitter fight its author initiated with her that her responses get so ridiculous to the point that its clear,to me at least, that she's taking the piss, but the result is still another article published about her "toxic homophobia" etc.

I think she has always gone for low blows in these online twitter beefs and it's really unfortunate that that means using childish slurs. It's sad because much of the unique perspective she has as a black woman in the industry is lost when she tacks a remark about "fat lizzo" onto a critique of white owned media only marketing a very consumable type of black music or imagery.

Lastly, she has been outspoken about her struggles with mental health over the years (I believe she has bipolar) but this is often not mentioned in media articles focusing on her outbursts.

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