This makes me kind of sad...

Me too. It's one way that MMO games just will never be able to top single player or table top RPG's.

There is too much credence given to whiners and people who dislike the RPG genre.

Even in modern RPG's like DA:I you craft potions, grenades, tonics, armor, weapons, runes. You have to go back to town after a long crawl and empty your inventory, fiddle with your character's gear and weapons, fiddle with their tactics settings.

In WoW though all those things would be decried by the populace as "work" and "not fun", even though managing resources, gear, inventory, food, etc, has been a staple of this genre.

WoW has been a victim of its own success. 12 million players, but maybe 3 million of them actually enjoy playing RPGs. The rest are tag-a-longs or "special interest" players who only want to log in for 5 minutes a day and be rewarded, pet battle, raid only, PvP only. The people who only like 1 or 2 aspects of the game and decry all the rest.

Even the way the classes interact with one another is diminished. Gone are the days of classes bringing unique things that change the game. It has been reduced to the simple symbiosis of the trinity, nothing more, nothing less.

And the changes highlighted here... remember using flint and tinder to build a fire? Now everyone is a fire mage and just farts one out of their hands. That was cool. :)

They listened to players way too much during the era of this game being the biggest thing on the block, and as a result, a lot of "fantasy RPG" elements were taken away from us in the name of streamlining and convenience.

Might get downvoted for this one, but fuck it. That's my opinion as someone who has been playing MMORPG's for over a decade now and RPG's for even longer.

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