B.C. cracks down on left-lane twits ... and Alberta should follow their lead in encouraging better traffic flow (xpost from r/alberta)

OH you mean This Manual

You must be referring to page 69:

On a multi-lane highway, slower traffic should use the travel lane furthest to the right (unless needing the left lane to turn left). This leaves the left lane available for drivers of other vehicles for passing.

And as I am sure you must be aware the that slower traffic is described as travelling slower than the posted speed limit. Since the law states we can be in either lane if we are at or near the maximum posted speed limit(Hence no one should be passing anyway).

Also on page 69 regaringing actual passing lanes:

Passing lanes A passing lane is a lane added to a highway to allow passing, often in the mountains. Slower vehicles move into the passing lane to the right, permitting other vehicles to pass safely in the left lane. Signs will alert drivers to a passing lane ahead.

So please tell me where the manual states we have to stay right unless to pass? It does say if you are travelling slower...so below the posted speed limit.

They signs put up by the government of Alberta suggest slower traffic keeping right

Again that means below the posted speed limit.

Both the city of Edmonton and the City of Calgary have safe driving guides that mention moving to the right to allow faster traffic to pass

And again that means below the posted speed limit. If you are travelling the speed limit...no one should be passing you unless they are already breaking the law.

All Alberta drivers training classes teach you to pass on the left and then move right

Post all the driving schools that do this, they do not. Some do recommend it, but it is not the law.

All across the world they have found that people blocking traffic even at the speed limit are just as dangerous as speeders

Post your sources on this. Where are that statistics to support this.

10 US States have it where the left lane is only for turning.(Washington state fits here) 29 If you are moving slower then normal traffic. 5 have no law regarding it, and 6 have it where you must move if you are blocking traffic.

In all jurisdictions...and this I can say around the world...it is still illegal to speed.

The term mostly used around the world for passing on the curb lane is Undertaking. It is where you pass on the curb side of the vehicle. And it varies from country to country.

Everyone understands that you have the right to do it,

yes we have the legal ability in Alberta to pass in either lane

but we all know that its dangerous

Again you are making claims without any evidence or proof. Please post the statistics regarding accidents when passing on the right.

and its only something over confident assholes do.

Again a purely subject statement and can be dismissed as your personal opinion.

/r/Edmonton Thread Link - edmontonsun.com