What should Elisa's new format be?

First, let me say that I'm a fan of yours. But I have some honest suggestions on what you need to do to make your show successful. However, if your goal is just to play around, hang out with people on the Internet, and have fun, then disregard these comments. On the other hand, if your goal is to create something lasting, and to successfully grow it, then you need to address these things.

1). Your appearance. I understand you care a lot about how you look. And you want to appear as attractive as possible. But you are trying too hard. If your goal is to attract a large fan base, you need to appear more "average" and relatable. If you downplay your looks more, then people will relate to you more. Stop wearing as much makeup. Pull your hair back in a pony tail sometimes. Don't always go for the model over the shoulder look. And never wear bright red lipstick or big fancy earrings.

Also, stop making the duck face with your lips. Women think guys like the duck face look. But they are wrong. It's off putting and pretentious. LOOK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON.

Example: Remember how many positive comments your friend Lindsey got during your yoga pants episode? Do you know why? Because she looked good; but not an "in your face" kind of good. Cute, but not off putting. Approachable and likable.

2). Rhonda: I realize you think she is going to become a big part of your show. But she isn't as entertaining as you think. She had some "decent" moments. Like when she tried to give you and Benjy relationship advice. It was ok. But not great.

Rhonda is simply not that interesting of a person. I'm sorry to say this. But it's true. If you keep putting her on she will become an anchor for your show. And by anchor, I mean she will bring you down. She's not attractive. She's boring. Her opinions are not that interesting. And she's just dead weight. I can tell you like her a lot. But if success is your goal, then you need to use her less.

3). Your format: You need to decide what it is you want for your show. Right now it's just a disorganized mess. It's basically just a 'webcam hangout" with you and a bunch of random people.

What it SHOULD be is this:

You talking about your life. Talk about your day. What you ate. What time you woke up. Where you went. BE DETAILED. Share your life. Talk about things you DID. Share SPECIFIC stories. Tell us about the vacation you and Benjy went on. Discuss difficult and painful things from your past. Tell us about your time in Starship Cobra. And how it fell apart. Be honest. Be honest. Be honest. You will endear yourself to viewers if you open up and share painful stuff.

4). Your music: I know you are a talented musician. And you SHOULD incorporate your music. But stop the improv made up songs. They are boring and repetitive. If you are going to play music. Play a real song. Maybe something you wrote for the show that day. But don't just pick up your keyboard and keep repeating the same stuff. Like "chicken soda, chicken soda, chicken soda". Or " Ruffypuff know what love is, Michael knows what love is, blah blah blah". Frankly, it's annoying. Showcase your talent with a real song you actually put some time into. Not just pressing the same keys over and over as you repeat the same phrase over and over. Do you really think people want to watch you repeat "chicken soda" over and over for 45 minutes? Because that's exactly what you did the other night. I'm serious. You literally repeated nothing but "chicken soda" for almost an hour.

5). You and Benjy: This IS what your show should focus on. The reason people initially started watching your show is because we are drawn to the craziness surrounding your relationship with him. He needs to be on EVERY show. You need to get into topics that will cause you and him to argue. I realize this may be difficult. But it's what the viewers want to see. We WANT to watch you argue. And we WANT to hear SPECIFIC stories about you two. Like tell us about a past date you went on together. Tell us the details about crazy stuff you two did in the city. Tell us the specifics about when you both crashed the NFL press conference. The show should be focused on ELISA AND BENJY. That is what will grow your show. That is what is the SINGLE most interesting topic that will keep people watching. It's ok to go off on tangents. But the focus should be on the ups and downs between you two.

6). Guests: it's good to have them. But don't keep them on as long as you do. For example, Michael is not as interesting as you think. Use him less. He came across as a guy who knows a lot less than he thinks he does. However, the kid with the handicap (forgot his name) was actually interesting to watch. Use him more. A lot more. Dr. Ivan is good. But only when he has something specific to talk about. Ruffypuff is average.

But the point is this; don't just put on a guest and let them "hang out". Only put on a guest when they have something SPECIFIC and INTERESTING to comment on. When they do, put them on, discuss what they want to say, and then let them go.

You have potential. And I realize you are trying to find your voice and zero in on a lasting format.

7). Topics; Stick with them. Right now you bounce around from minute to minute from one topic, to another, and then back to the old topic. It's very difficult to follow. When you start discussing something, stick with it until it's time to move on. Then stick with whatever is the next topic. Don't go back and rehash old topics.

8). BENJY; I'm repeating this part because I cannot emphasize how important it is that the show focuses on the two of you.

9). This letter; discuss it on your show. It will open up difficult topics that should be discussed. But your viewers will love to hear you address these things.

I have more ideas and suggestions regarding format, etc. But for now I think these things are a good starting point.

/r/ElisaJordana Thread