/b/ defines sexuality and gender

That people can hate me and everyone else like me so much

I personally do not hate you, and I believe that sentiment extends to most who aren't tumblrsexual. I just do not believe society should be forced to accept mental disorders as normal instead of giving them proper psychological attention.

That people seriously think I have a mental disorder because I'm trans.

What is gender dysphoria if it is not a disorder? Call me ignorant all you want but no matter how progressive you are you won't change the definition of medical terminology.

If you are trans and do not have gender dysphoria, I seriously cannot wrap my mind around why someone would sacrifice so much time and money on an operation just for a few "I'm special" points.

That people want to fuck me just because I have boobs and a penis in the same package.

It's not anyone's fault for having certain attractions. I personally think the only thing that should be taboo is the idea of thought crimes. Anyone can think whatever they want. If you are upset that someone approaches you because they have a fetish for your body type, and you do not like that, why not turn them down?

That people say "Tranny-ism is a mental disorder and cutting your cock off doesn't make you a woman"

It does not make you a woman in my opinion. You are free to view yourself as a woman. You are not free to force me to view you as a woman.

I get verbally assaulted for going to high school like a normal student.

I do not support bullying, hope you get through it alright. And I mean that honestly.

However, please note that you are not alone in being bullied as a trans. People get bullied for literally anything, especially in high school and middle school.

People still use my old name even though I've had it legally changed.

If they are doing it deliberately, then they are bullying you. The best way to deal with that is ignoring them. If it is a simple mistake, take it as such. If someone decides they like to consider you as your old gender, either let them or find new friends.

People call me "it".

"It" is an acceptable gender neutral pronoun. It is not dehumanizing unless you go out of your way to make it so.

One of my best friends now hates me for coming out.

Fuck him. You cannot control what people think of you, and no amount of mandatory acceptance propaganda (a la Sweden) is going to change that. Even in Sweden people get tired of all the damn progressiveness

Well I wrote you a damn essay without using too many buzzwords. And yes, most people do not know what it feels like to be trans. However, the more intelligent of us can look at the scientific an biological facts about trans people and base our decisions off of that. In my humble opinion, Realz >>> Feelz , which is why I don't vote blue.

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