Balance - make PvP more enjoyable

Rockstar is one of the most incompetent companies I've seen when it comes to PvP. They intentionally ruin it and I'm pretty sure it's to push players to buy gold and shark cards.

In Beta the PvP was so much fun in free roam. Then they removed blips, added aim assist to snipers, added more tank cards, increased movement speed which added new PvP exploits, etc. People just chug tonics and use lvl 3 tonics with PiB mostly along with a sniper rifles and two rapid fire Mausers.

I hate the PvP now. It's not fun anymore if everyone I run into is playing like that or running a tank card build trying to be the fucking terminator. When GTA 6 drops I'm getting it early to enjoy PvP before all these pussy metas take hold of the community. I remember in GTA when PvP was so much fun with creativity and ARs and now it's just Oppressors ruling the skies. Because R* are too fucking greedy and stupid to remove it.

/r/RedDeadOnline Thread