Daily Challenges 6/7/2021

Tunables normally happen in 4 hours (8pm my time), newswire is 7+ hours away (midnight my time, if one drops at all, unlike last week) but the updates have been 5 hours from now (10pm my time) from what I remember.

If one is coming today then you've got 7+ hours to find out. With how last week when with the no newswire post and the last minute extension to the previous weeks bonuses, some are thinking there was a last minute delay.

So hopefully it's today, if not maybe a newswire saying next week with some more info on the update.

I heard the bank doors on pc are open, which they normally aren't, I remember another update the camps with the Lemoyne Raiders and hostage random event (rich guy or cop tied to a post) were in game before a day or two before the update, so it could be a good sign!

/r/RedDeadOnline Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it