A warning all to griefers....I have a quick draw

Had a trio of guys dressed identically and designed to look like inbred Swedes harass me in Blackwater today. Fast traveled in for the daily and one of them rounds the corner and sprints at me with his lasso out so I snapped around and headshotted him with my Schofield. Proceeded to hold my ground against them in town where I could cut off some sightlines so they couldn’t just deadeye me to death over and over. I think I made fun of them briefly on voice chat for only being able to net a kill when they swarmed me all at once and with almost solely deadeye.

Got respawned outside of town and just sniped from a distance until I went on defensive/parleyed and then they spent another however-long crashing their horses into me and waiting for the parley to end so they could start killing me again.

I don’t get griefed often but hoo boy, when I do.

/r/RedDeadOnline Thread Link - v.redd.it