if this subreddit didn’t exist people would love rdo

It’s not just this sub, I’m getting bored of being made to feel guilty for liking this game and thinking that it’s good.

Some (not all) Youtubers are mainly the ones pushing a narrative to get more views and keep up the ‘Red Dead is dead’ idea while copying the mrboss 10 minute-use-rehashed-footage-read-off-the-newswire method because it’s hard to get those YouTube bucks when you don’t have content make any original content. Don’t believe me? Here’s an excerpt from Hazards latest video.

‘Keep speaking up if there’s something you don’t like about this game. Don’t let people tell you anything but praise for this game or Rockstar makes you a hater. Those folks don’t play this game anymore, and quite honestly couldn’t care less about what happens to us active players. Those people who unnecessary praise this online and say that say Rockstar has done a PERFECT JOB with it and we should all be thankful for those weekly collections and you know, bogus like that. Just judging by the track record so far for this game and it’s major problems, those people are either being historically ignorant or deliberately dishonest to you. It’s up to us to recognise those are not very serious people with not very serious ideas and should be treated as such.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got a lot of respect for what these youtubers do I watch their videos all the time, but come on! I’m not a serious player, I’m being deliberately dishonest and should be treated as such just because I like the game?

Also, Look at rule 3 of this sub. It’s a joke man.

/r/RedDeadOnline Thread