Barry Allen is a multimillionaire right?

All of these replys are shit...

"Hello, Barry. If you're watching this, that means something has gone horribly wrong. I'm dead and the last 15 years have been for nothing. Bummer. 15 years. You know, when *I realize that in all those years helping raise you, *we were never truly enemies *, Barry. I'm not the thing you hate. And so, I want to give you the thing that you want most. *It won't matter. You'll never be truly happy, Barry Allen, trust me. I know you. Now [clears throat] Erase everything I said up to this point. Give the following message to the police. My name is Harrison Wells. Being of sound mind and body, I freely confess to the murder of Nora Allen. In her home, on the night of March 18th, in the year 2000. I attacked Nora Allen in her dining room. - Oh, my God. - I stabbed her in the chest - with a large butcher knife - He confessed. From the drawer to the left of the sink in the kitchen."

Wellsobard made this video and the will as a safe measure just in case some random uncontrollable variable killed him before he can get finish his plan and get home Something has gone horribly wrong This is also the experienced Reverse Flash, the wise and patient one who took 15 years to raise and train and bond with Barry. He has admit affection towards Barry, and only cares about getting home at this point.

Therefore he left his assets and confession for Barry, as it is all he can do for him. It's somewhat an apology. But he knows, and doesnt say in a spiteful way, that Barry will never be happy. He knows and feels a sympathy for Barry because despite having all the wealth and his father back, his mother is still gone.

People are forgetting that Wells was an experienced RF and began to love Barry, and Cisco and Snow. And Barry admits he loved him too, as he "talks" to the reflection of Earth 2 Harry.

TL;DR Reverse Flash left Barry the confession and will not out of hate or spite, but because he began to care for Barry in the 15 years of being trapped in the past with him.

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