The BBC - stirring the "discrimination is everywhere" shit

I agree we need to unite together instead of rascist this, sexist that. As a white male im made to be just a statistic, one who doesnt care, one who only wants to subdue others. I can tell you i honestly dont, actually is that rhetoric you preach that will make me more alienated and like that. I dont watch the news because bias everywhere but from what ive heard is the bbc is the most unbiased lf them all, as for the pm im sure they agree with you but they just added in the female aspect so some less informed voters will vote vagina instead of penis. Sorry its that way, there will always be idiots in the world. (That doesnt take away from the fact that it is historic and is a big point, but not a point to vote for her. remove race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, etc. From the electee. That has no bearing on their ability to run. After they are elected then you can rejoice.) As for the black man shot, ive heard they reported that but never stated the race like that, they simply quoted others.(not defending the bbc, i never watch it as i stated, just offering the benefits). Please ignore the race stuff. Yes racism is a problem in america, there havebwen many shootings in america that no doubt had racial underlays, but now we have a ill informed movement running rampant that preaches all shootings are racial (not talking about this one specifically) look at zimmerman whom was barely given the white card as an example. We need change but i can assure you only peaceful protest will alter this and bring us together finally. (Little rant here, no you cannot preach hate. Even if you are being "peaceful". Im bisexual and the orlando incident pains me because people tried blaming islam or the myslim race. NO, hate speech against gays brought it up, yes they werent activiley killing them but saying "gays deserve death" is just about the same, this follows with the Black lives matter movement. Some intentioans are good but i think we can agree with all lives matter being a better fit. No this isnt just something to please the white man, other minorities are being murdered. I shouldnt even have to say that though; my skin colour doesnt mean i have to justify all my racial statements. The dallas cop shooting is equally as bad, hate speech fueled that. All lives matter. Lets be done with labels. Sorry for format, im on mobile) I hope you listen to what im saying and jnderstand we need change, we are all equals, we deserve to be. Stop dividing yourselves. If you have nothing but hate to answer me with then please find another comment. Ive gotten enough already. I dont need to see a willful division of race and sex when thats what we are trying to stop.

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