What the fuck is wrong with doctor offices? Why can’t you work around peoples schedules?

I’m not saying workplaces need to not make it easy for an employee to go to an appointment. Let them leave, don’t give them crap about it or punish them for it later. But they should not be getting paid to attend doctor’s appointments. How do you make it fair between employees who only have an occasional appointment.. maybe a couple times a year versus employees who have multiple appointments a week?? One person is being paid while being out of office several times a week and another gets stuck covering the workload that’s being missed. That doesn’t sit right with me. And yea maybe that’s the employer’s problem to figure out and schedule more people and blah blah but in the real world that just doesn’t happen everywhere. If my job hired more people to accommodate that then my coworkers and I would be getting our hours cut and we can forget about raises. So yea great that my doctor’s appointment won’t use up 2 hours of my Pto but I’m losing 10 hours a week due to the new staffing and my raise will be .10 cents an hour next year if I’m lucky.

/r/rant Thread Parent