Because every life is precious!

This mass production is what is problematic. It is not only incredibly cruel to these mass bred animals, but it is also detrimental to the forests. There are many well researched articles discussing this relationship. But that does not affect people at all, right? Because why would people need forests?!

People don't need forests, they need their cheap almond coconut milk and cheap avocados. If you eat them, rainforests are not saying thank you to you. Most popular vegetarian foods are grown in these deforested areas.

Well Iceland had 40% forest cover and now it's 2%. They are still alive... I guess economic benefit still often outweight enviromental needs.

I agree with you that there isn't a clear solution for this issue at the moment. But, humans are incredibly resourceful, I am sure we could find a solution for this if enough of us cared about it. And thankfully, they are starting to care more and more recently. So, this "noise" isn't futile.

I'll give you a clear solution, lab grown meat. It's energy, land and water efficient, it's clean and it's free of any animal suffering. The price per kg is rapidly dropping and should drop below normal meat very soon. Then it's just scaling up and convincing people to eat it. Meat eaters happy and vegetarians happy, no?

Please stop with the "Hitler was a vegetarian" argument. As if there are no omnivorous dictators and mass murderers! I wouldn't have enough free time to list them!

Well Hitler is like at the top of them, I guess veganism helped him go off the rails. You know maybe vegetarianism is even anti semitic by itself? Of course I am joking, just so we are clear.

There are certainly thousands of people leading a perfectly fine and productive life without eating animals. If you'd rather assume things about people, go ahead.

There are also billions of people leading perfectly fine and productive lives who are omnivores....

Tell that to 40% of Indian people who have been vegetarians for generations!

I was talking more about USA and Europe where veganism is foreign. However we can talk about India. Vegetarianism in India is not by choice, it's cultural. The cows are holy and slaughtering them is frowned upon. Moreover repressive and unfair caste system feeds into this as well. The 40% number is wrong, as people underreport meat earing and overreport veganism. The real number is around 20% and that's still a lot of people. Still meat is rare and expensive in a country with widespread poverty. These "vegetarians" eat a very poor diet that is not balanced. That's why 36% of children are underweight, 38% are stunted and 24% are wasted. India is not some vegetarian heaven. Just a small amount of meat products would help these people immensely.

It certainly doesn't seem like 40% of Indians are entitled people but are still managing to survive. Besides, doesn't the person advocating that the pleasure of their tastebuds is worth lives sound more entitled than the one asking for more kindness?

Like I mentioned they survive, but if your metric is only "surviving" then... well... that's what you have.

I am entitled and yes my taste buds will be satisfied no matter what. I don't think you ask for kindness, you ask for other people to stop eating tasty food and suffer, just so you can feel better about yourself.

Stop with the name-calling! I am being respectful here.

Yeah sorry, sometimes preachy vegans get under my skin.

Refer to this paper on this exact comment. Yes, at the moment it is convenient to keep following large scale factory farming, but it does come at a cost. Here are the impacts of factory farming on water. Here is a paper about deforestation.

These are just single sources, but I am sure if you wanted, you could find many. If you actually care about people like you claim, you should at least care about these environmental impacts.

There is always a cost to something. Yes animal husbandry is inefficient and quite damaging, but alternatives are not there yet. I am quite positive that lab meat will fix most of these things quite soon.

B12 and D would be the most difficult ones to get in adequate quantities, but they certainly are present in mushrooms, seaweed, and soy products. Again, I am not saying everybody on earth should or could stop consuming animal products. But, I am sure that a majority of Reddit can afford the supplements. (I am making an assumption here, but your arguments are also filled with assumptions. So, we can call it even.)

Well that's the problem, you can get almost everything in vegetarian products, but you need a very diverse and planned diet with large portions. For most people that just buy easiest, cheapest this is not an option. They would be severely deficient in many nutrients.

Science on supplements is uncertain. As much as I looked into this, supplements don't seem to do anything. That's probably because most forms of supplements have very poor bioavailability and they just pass your body without being absorbed. You need enzymes and coenzymes to properly absorb them which are available in natural foids. Moreover most vitamins and microelements act antagonisticly and outright block absorption. So multivitamins are especially useless it seems.

Jobless suburban moms raise children and maintain families. And I am sure that takes a lot more work than it does to type out things on Reddit. Any kind of cooking involves planning. But I am willing to take two extra steps to reduce the suffering of innocent creatures. But I wouldn't expect that from somebody who demeans people on the internet for entertainment.

Well raising children is not really a full time job. Moreover working AND typing on reddit sure does take more work! No... not all kind of cooking involves planning. You seem like a middle class spoiled person that never had any hardships. A huge chunk of people just microvave some subproducts, that's all their cooking. Some just eat canned tuna and rice every day for months. Poor people don't gave tge luxury of choice you know. They certainly don't have the luxury of time and money to get fresh products and cook them.

Now, I am going to live my fulfilling life with a full-time job and hobbies while planning my meals and trying to cause as little harm as possible to my surroundings and animals. Cheers!

You should check your privilege. Billions of people don't have such luxuries... yet you still attack them for matters that they have no choice in.

However I am going to sear a steak just for you and keep you in my mind as I devour it. Cheers!

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