This has been a dream of mine: A group of random players living in harmony - Not a clan, just an understanding.

First time I played I made a wood shack on a beach and put a lock on it.

About an hour later I noticed a 3-story tower on the hill overlooking my base, no signs of life. No problem.

I eventually ran into the owners of the tower about 30 mins later, I had a bow and they were coming back from gathering with just melee tools, so I said hello and let them go into their base unhindered. Wasn't exactly looking to make enemies before I even had any real weapons.

After I went back in to my shack, I eventually opened my door to find 2 guys fully geared aiming me up with AKs and boom - I was dead. Luckily, I managed to shut the door behind me.

I was pretty pissed but I waited a while and went out gathering once they'd left, came back to my base being C4'd (wood walls 3x1 shack, and they use C4.......) so I lost the little I had to them.

Anyway, I built up again a bit further down the beach, made a stone base and got a bunch of tools and shit together. Ran into some guy who was a bit more experienced than me, he tagged along and helped me scope the base out and he explained how they'd put their stone walls facing the wrong way - soft side out. So we got them back pretty hard while they were offline after about 10 mins of pickaxing.

Moral of the story? Play nice people, you don't wanna be making enemies if you don't have to!

They got like, 1K stone, 500 wood and a few bits of shit from my shack. When I raided them later? I took about 20K stone, 15K sulpher, 20K wood, blueprints, full chest of armor and clothes, full chest of guns, a bunch of C4 ready-crafted and a few rockets. They didn't even have any interior doors, it was all open-plan base. One wall, we took it all.

/r/playrust Thread Link -