I have been reading about crypto mining for the last 7 days now, and I still can't decide if it would be profitable or not?

The problem with mining is that a lot of people have faith in newer systems. Like the proof of stake. These newer systems try to solve the trilemma. Bitcoin doesnt need to solve the trilemma because it has become a store of value. But mining bitcoin now means having to invest an enourmous amount of money before becoming profitable. Ethereum is going to switch to pos soon. So mining that is pretty useless imo. All the other pow coins might be interesting to mine, but nobody knows honestly which is going to make it. Your safest bet would be to invest.

Personally i dont like the stock market. Low risk low return. It doesnt even keep up with inflation. I mean if you are up 5% in a year and inflation rate is 7%?

But thats just me.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread