So I have been reading all your amazing comments and you all got me interested in knowing more. Let’s get super scientific. Hit me with your best scientific theories on what is happening. Maybe we can form a unified theory we can actually test.

Do you remember the steps in science class to form a hypothesis?

First you ask a question.
Then you find out how you can test if that question is real or not real.
Then you make an educated guess as to what will be the outcome of that question. Then you go about trying to prove pr disprove if your assumption (educated guess) was correct. Depending on what happens you form your next question.

Then rinse and repeat until you find the ANSWER.

That is all that science is. It’s a method for trying to find the truth. It is not religion, not blind faith, not unexplainable. It is a method for trying to find the truth. Everything can be experimented on. For example in this case, we can try and prove it by documenting things and if they change, we will have proof they changed.

It’s pretty easy to prove if the Mandela Effect is true or false actually. Right now I am leaning towards it is just an anomaly of memory. Which makes perfect sense.

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