I have been stalked for 1 1/2 years on and off, any of you who have experienced this as well, I need advice.

That particular situation, no. A stalker who may well be feeling resentful toward me now, yes maybe. I “had” an acquaintance stalking situation. Had is in quotes, because I’m really hoping he’s not still wasting time with me. I’m not a prize, and there’s plenty of other candidates that’d be better for him to invest in. I’m boring with a mundane life, older, and have a mega shit ton of issues so I’m not sure why anyone would bother with me, or be interested in anything about me or my life.

If he’s still around he’s wasting his time and effort. I don’t want revenge either; that’s a waste of my time and effort. His time is up and he needs to go for good.

/r/Stalking Thread Parent