Berkeley feminist has sex without her partner's enthusiastic affirmative consent. Pretends to be a victim, of his objectification.

I just wrote to the office of student conduct, and will be writing to the Daily Cal and the Chancellor as well.

My message:

To whom it may concern,

Recently, an article was published in the Daily Cal, by one Maggie Lam. ( In the article, she publicly admitted to sexually assaulting, pressuring into sex, and raping a white male student. As an alumni, I am disgusted by this, both that it seems to be being allowed and encouraged, not only by the Daily Cal — which as a journalistic organization, but by the university as well.

I have had numerous reasons in the previous years to not give money to the University, due to the lack of control the University seems to exert over the student body, particularly when tiny groups raise Cain over inconsequential things. Case in point: When a student group of no more than 30 threatened the University, and the University considered disinviting Bill Maher as commencement speaker for his uncharitable comments over the religion of Islam, never mind Mr. Maher ALSO has said unflattering things about pretty much every major world religion.

This is the final straw, if the University does NOT prosecute Maggie Lam for her public admission of RAPE, and makes the Daily Cal issue a public apology, I will no longer consider giving money to the University at all, be sharing this article with my fellow alumni, and also be encouraging them not to donate until such an apology is issued. I will also discourage any children I may have from attending the University of California, at Berkeley. I have had enough of this absolutely unacceptable blind-eye turning.

As you can tell, I am livid. As a member of the Cal Community, a Greek Letter Organization (often a lightning rod for sexual misconduct investigations), and a progressive thinker, the fact that Ms. Lam was allowed to publish such an article without being taken to task reflects a toxic culture that has infected the University in the name of “political correctness” and “social justice”.

Prosecute Maggie Lam, force her to issue a public apology, personally apologize to the student she wrote about, and expel her from the University. If a male student can be expelled without due process over accusations, Ms. Lam should be as well.

I will also be writing to the Daily Cal as well as the Chancellor regarding this.

Have a pleasant day, My Signature

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