Best response to "Trump wants to cut the arts!"

Ma'am, I have done no such thing.

Art may be superficially subjective but I stand by my position that there are legitimate, objective ways to assign value to artistic works. The problem is complex, but the only "difficulty" is that plenty of people are going to be offended by the outcome.

The notion that art is subjective is cultural Marxism. It is a dangerous, destructive, caustic notion that has no place in a healthy culture.

At the risk of revealing too much PII I will offer up a little of my background. I have degrees in both Music Theory and Computer Science. You might assume that my schooling contributes to my absolutism but in fact my attitude towards music was much more relativistic than most of my contemporaries.

I produced works (amongst others) using the classical Chinese theory framework and in (what was then) contemporary J-pop-esque styles (my naive, weebesque dream being to become a composer of soundtracks for anime). I have researched and experimented with many alternative tuning systems. I have, as the expression goes, forgotten more about music theory than some small fraction of 1% of the world's population will ever know.

Anyway I started this post sober but things have gone rapidly downhill so I'll have to get back to you on the rest.

Weeb side note: I used to really like this anime music video which uses your Vast: Touched track: . It's a good track, and I enjoy it. It's no Ring Cycle tho.

Here are two non-conventional works by an American composer that I still really enjoy: and . Blackwood eschews traditional 12-tone equal temperament in favor of 13-TET through 23-TET (with a special focus on 15-TET in the second link) but still tries to accommodate Western tuning theory when possible (some temperaments are much more suited to this than others).

These works are not particularly sophisticated, in the sense that I use the word to mean "objectively better", but they are early forays into a natural evolution of Western music theory so they get a pass from me. I could literally write a book on tuning theory but I have had too much fine Austrian Riesling and will have to revisit this subject at a later date.

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