Former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort wanted for questioning in Ukraine corruption case

I just replied to another one of your comments and had to take a look at this too. That Intercept story was thought provoking, so I was hoping I could follow some more bread crumbs from you for other info.

There's a free utility known as "whois" (Who Is?) that allows you to look up owner information for both domains and IP addresses. Take a look here:

You'll see that the domain is in fact owned and controlled by Trump's Org. Further, the IP that the domain resolves to ( is owned by GoDaddy. See here:

And just to resolve any other confusion, the subdomain "" resolves to the same IP.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I might be missing something. I say that because these lookups are very easy to do, so their claims would be really easy for anyone in the know to debunk. But I'm just not seeing any connection between the domain name and Cendyn, Listrak or any other organization beyond Trump and GoDaddy. It all looks pretty straightforward to me.

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