Best thing about transitioning

Yo - 16 months HRT here!

The thing I was looking forward to the most was being able to be seen by society as the woman and I am, and be able to eventually see a woman instead of a guy in the mirror. It has yet to happen and I don't think my bone structure will ever allow it. No body changes, either. Haven't really had fat re-distribution, and my "breasts" have been the same since month three.

The best thing I got, however, was the extreme comfort in being in my own mind. My brain functions correctly now. I can feel a regular scope of human emotion, and feel all of them much more strongly. It's so much easier to care about the people around me, I can actually focus on things again, I don't feel mentally and emotionally unstable anymore. I hate my body more than ever, but my mind is firing better than I ever imagined it could. I wouldn't give that for the world.

/r/MtF Thread