r/ttttrans is a cancer and its damaging trans mental health. Change my mind.

Continue justifying dehumanizing other trans people. I'll never accrue enough internalized transphobia to be like you...maybe it's the clear age difference as the older woman that makes me less blind to being sold bridges.

I fail to see the humour in an inherently dehumanizing term that is literally just transphobia.

You literally denigrate people for not passing and call gay trans women agps. Stop talking like you're making some profound commentary on being trans like you actually know shit when in reality you're just a pathetic child who thinks she'll never be pretty or human enough to look like the cis girls.

I'm sorry you think you have no worth but stop acting like some edgy transphobic bitch attempting to externalize her transphobia in an attempt to make yourself feel better by tearing down others like a shit heel.

Have some fucking self respect and respect for your community. This shit only makes being trans hard when it's hard enough.

It's the reason that irl people actually fucking like me, because I don't take self esteem from tearing others down through bigotry while claiming it's punching up or claiming it's satire like a racist caught being a bigot saying "I'm just joking".

You should speak for yourself though, because it's clear you like punching down well enough by your own fucked definition. How else are you going to feel superior than others.

Also, stand by your shit and stop nesting it in bullshit leftist terminology you don't fucking stand or by your profile hypocrite. Stop hiding behind bullshit excuses when it takes a quick look at your profile to know that inside you hate everyone else like you because you don't love yourself and you think every trans person should hate themself the way you do.

Though, I'm expecting a snake, a bigot, a bully and a coward to stand by her shit and own it. That's like expecting the

Being trans isn't just sunshine, rainbows and euphoria boners like this sub would have you believe.

Rich coming from a person who talks the way she does about her own community. You're helping nobody by spread around your self loathing around. If you actually thought this you would agree with me, you don't and support transphobic shit so your really just arguing that to pass yourself off like you give more of damn than you actually do.

Tearing down other trans people, whether passing or not makes the world even harder than it already is.

You're literally a dime a fucking dozen in thinking that hating yourself and other trans people means your speaking truth to power, when you're just being incorrigible shits who will be the turn coats that turn others over to the gestapo because you actually think they see your pick me ass as more human.

and that's what it is because If you actually though well of yourself you wouldn't be trying to to justify being shitty the way you are.

Grow the fuck up.

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