Big Brother Over the Top - Late Night Live Feed Discussion - November 24 2016

I desperately want Morgan to win--I liked her preseason and every new week in the house I grew to like her even more--but I don't see it happening. While I think she's actually played a strong game, there are too many people who've seen her as incapable since the cast reveal and who believe she's a non-entity--even on the BS/LS/Plastics "side"--for it to happen, I think.

From what I've seen, there have been very few people rooting for Morgan specifically throughout the season. The support she's had has usually been by way of other players (Alex/Shelby) and as much as there's still support for Morgan, it seems to be mostly an anti-Jason/LNJ movement. I think any campaign for Morgan will fall short purely because the majority of those who would hear it don't actually support her and there's far too much ground to be covered by a dispassionate fanbase.

Not to mention she has to get to the finale first, which is not a definite. I absolutely love Morgan and would love to see her win--I'm just not getting my hopes up. lol

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