Big Picture: The Last Mile Boys ; He is 24, BA in Hindi Literature, and more than 250 km away from home in UP. For Rs 10,500 a month, he tackles Delhi roads six days a week as part of the ecommerce industry’s nameless delivery force.

A great level of apathy towards posts like this, this has still gotten some traction, I have a history of posting such posts (even from my previous accounts), I usually end up with 1-2 upvotes, sometimes even downvotes. People would upvote a post ranting about this very apathy to the heights of reddit front page, though. As ironic as that may be, I always chuckle whenever a rant like that is posted. I used to argue/discuss a lot, gave up.

Why? Because they actually need these people to read the article, formulate an opinion and then defend it.

Nah, they defend their political priors. They already have opinions, they reason in a way to reach conclusions they had already decided. I am not just spouting that off, it's often demonstrated by psychologists themselves. There's a book on this whole topic, nytimes reviewed it - ‘The Righteous Mind,’ by Jonathan Haidt

To the question many people ask about politics — Why doesn’t the other side listen to reason? — Haidt replies: We were never designed to listen to reason. When you ask people moral questions, time their responses and scan their brains, their answers and brain activation patterns indicate that they reach conclusions quickly and produce reasons later only to justify what they’ve decided.


The problem isn’t that people don’t reason. They do reason. But their arguments aim to support their conclusions, not yours. Reason doesn’t work like a judge or teacher, impartially weighing evidence or guiding us to wisdom. It works more like a lawyer or press secretary, justifying our acts and judgments to others.

Pathetic state of affairs on this subreddit.

Better than a lot of other places, you can take my word for it. It's not meant as a compliment to this place, but an indictment on the Indian public. Reddit crowd is still niche, well educated, doesn't typ lyk diZz and mix of NRIs.

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