What are the races/species in your world? (Ex: humans, Elves etc)

That was getting long, so I decided to cut this into another comment (or two).

In the east, I have a group of beast races collectively known as the "slavebred". They are the work of the imperial fleshcrafter's guild, and a big source of the Empire's might, right up into the most recent slave rebellion that has spread through the eastern empire.

  • Canid: First among the slave bred, eventually revolted and were nearly eradicated. A few moved to the free cities where they thrive, particularly in Mahara. They are described in detail below.
  • Catfolk: Used primarily as house slaves, although a subrace was bred for war. The warbred catfolk are very uncommon, as they tend to be headstrong and prideful, The memory of the Canine Rebellion has kept the warbred’s population small, and led to the creation of the more tractable nagaji to serve as soldiers.
  • Grippli: Used primarily for agrarian labor, small of size so cheap to care for, they are particularly suited for working in rice fields and performing aquaculture in the seaweed farms and fisheries along the southern coast. Grippli actually outnumber the humans in Chow Ya province.
  • Nagaji: Used as warriors and heavy labor. Strong and fearsome, but specifically created to be a bit dull. The most recently created race, save for the tengu, and often loyal to a fault.
  • Ratfolk: Drudge slaves. Fast reproduction and small size make them cheap to use for basic, menial tasks. However, of all the slave-bred the ratfolk are the race closest to being out of control. Intelligent and cunning, these small creatures have thriving undercities in the sewers and warrens of many major imperial cities. Whole generations are born never knowing the yoke of slavery, and that is a dangerous thing for the empire.
  • Tengu: The last of the slave bred races to be created, and the most esteemed among them as well. Tengu are used exclusively as tutors, counselors, taskmasters, and bodyguards in wealthy households. In addition, the imperial family maintains an entire guild of them as assassins. Though technically slaves, many wield great influence, and therefore tend to gain a measure of resentment from their more lowly brethren. Due to their reputation as spies and assassins, the gift of a tengu from one noble house to another is often seen as a veiled threat.
  • Vanara: General laborers and common troops. Most vanara make up the bulk of a households slaves, while whitecapes commonly see service as battlefield fodder. The diminutive blackcaps find service on farms, particularly in orchards.

Another important race in the east are the "summer orcs". Their name stems from their inclination to do their raiding during the height of summer when the Southron Sea is calmest. They're a bit more nuanced than standard D&D orcs in that they have a developed society and aren't inherently evil, but they do raid and pillage other cultures pretty aggressively. They're sort of like seafaring mongols. The northerners and the imperials hate them, but they tend to remain on good terms with the folks in the free cities because that's where the go to trade, rather than raid. What's strange for a lot of outsiders is that they're matriarchal, though most only ever encounter the men since the females don't usually leave the safety of their strongholds.

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