A L P H A (First 15 pages, Drama/Dystopian)

I had to stop reading at a point because I couldn't take anymore. This rings like a real script. A distinct and true writer's voice, which is refreshing. A few tips: Page 2 and 3, you have an opportunity to "define" who these characters are: their personalities, how they talk. We get more of Addison later on: "I've been pissy--" That should happen sooner. We want to clearly know what these people are like. I understand your script opens on an event, which means characters are thrown at us In Media Res, but you do have opportunites much sooner. Way too much scene action and description. I estimate you could cut out 40% of it and not harm the story. One of the better scripts I've seen so far. I haven't been able to analyse the story because of those issues: characters, too much scene action, pacing. When those are cleaned up, I would be able to offer more perspective on the story itself. Best of luck.

/r/ReadMyScript Thread