Bill would overhaul marijuana DUI law, considered ‘unscientific’ predictor of whether driver is impaired

The Alcohol is a much needed perspective reference on this topic, not a distraction. Now a great example of a distraction in this conversation would be your gender statement! How's this relevant information in this discussion, ill wait. . .

We can learn from the failures of alcohol legislation as well as others when forming new legislation for future marijuana endeavors both rec and med. I never said marijuana does not need law n order. Just not so much when others continue to destroy familys on the daily

I for one err on the side of caution when the government steps in with zero data trying to implement legislation with incomplete data/research especially when the same goverments condone Alcohol with its KILLER DATA!!!

There are deeper issues present for you just to gloss over them with minimal research and an already made up opinion.

I believe you to be true when you say you want to protect the people although I would like to point out your aim is pointed in the wrong industry, Take a look across the gambit of vices you have an opportunity to put forth your protection efforts in: cigarettes, heroin, crack, fetynal, scripts etc. which all have data that supports it death tolls.

They need the jails busy, so insert new laws to put people in them that's all this legislation of a weed dui is, nothing more nothing less, prisoners = modern day slaves!

This is what it all boils down to, more people going to jail, USA has most prisons in the whole entire world, so how do you feed that beast, create more petty laws you say, bingo!

So many more dominos this law would trickle into, so its not that simple with incomplete data to where you just push it through, the people deserve better than some halfass legislation that may very well increase everyday citizens chances of becoming incarcerated, as a legislator you can find issues in almost anything to write a new law over dosnt mean you do it without proper data and support from the majority of the people , not the politicians

You stated:. "Weed can make us careless and forgetful which is dangerous while driving." But you also acknowledged we have Zero data to support that theory so not sure how this would be a relevant point to base your opinion on? Maybe reread your thoughts prior to posting

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