Bitch you stink

I haven't worn deodorant for years.

I swear wearing deodorant actually makes you smell worse (When you aren't wearing any). Like, I swear it alters the bacteria ecosystem in your armpits and makes it so stopping using deodorant makes you smell like extra shit.

Once you let the bacteria ecosystem return to normal, you acquire a much more mild, natural and healthy smell, less of that nasty BO smell. I much prefer a natural smell to an artificial perfume / chemical smell anyway. (Sorry, but perfumes, soaps and what not smell awful to me. I don't see how being a cloud of axe body spray is preferable, but okay).

I was afraid I smelled like shit (stopped using deodorant because of allergic reaction). So I kept asking people if I smelled, and nobody said I reeked. In fact, some women, my gf included, seem to love my natural smell.

To be fair, I also shower everyday before I go anywhere and wear clean clothes. I do smell like shit after exercise though.

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