Bitcoin Foundation: "Today’s shoutout is to Blockstream, who has funded more core dev than anyone, including us. Their knowledge & depth is extraordinary."

Are you on github Adam? I've never seen you make any commits over there, but you've been bringing it up frequently lately; seemingly as a way to diminish others' contributions to this community? If commits on github are supposedly such an important measure of someone's value and credibility, it would be helpful if you could point us to your recent commits please.

I'm aware of your past achievements and respect your work, yet you appear to set a high bar for the recency of contributions from others and treat them ungraciously if they don't meet your high standards. Perhaps, on reflection, those might not be the best standards by which to judge people?

As a third party observer of this debate, I think it would help if you resisted the urge to frequently tack irrelevant gibes onto your comments here. It detracts from the substance of what you're trying to say (i.e. is counterproductive for you) and makes the overall debate more toxic and disheartening for everyone...

And no, I'm not a bot or part of some conspiracy to sow discord. I'm just a member of this community who frequently uses bitcoin for business and has an interest in it. I'm commenting with this account so that you can see that I'm a real person who is simply growing weary of the tenor of discussions over the last few months.

I agree with you that this debate is a waste of everyone's time and is, overall, a big negative for the whole community. With that in mind, it would be better if you put more effort into working towards a genuine compromise position (not a tokenistic change that would see this debate revisited almost immediately) and less effort into making personal attacks on people who don't agree with you on every point. I'm saying this now only after several months of reading your comments on this topic. It's not some sort of knee-jerk reaction.

This debate will likely be resolved next year, and you'll probably still have to work with many of the people who you've been insulting recently, assuming that you continue to have an interest in Bitcoin. Practically everyone here has an incentive to find a solution that we can all live with and burning down bridges is very short sighted.

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