Blease help us

I am not sure if you followed the chain of events there, but Greece had a military coup and they wanted to annex Cyprus, EOKA started ethnic cleansing on the island such as this against Turks. US, UK and Turkey recognized this as a terror movement, and according to the Zurich Agreement, Turkey lawfully used its right to take action. Why is this "expansionism"?

Yeah and then Turkey committed mass ethnic cleansing, declared a separate Northern Cyprus, and sent thousands of colonists. That's why it's expansionism.

It is not Turkey's duty to save Armenian economy though, is it? I understand the intention of Tashnak nationalists, ripping Turkey off over the genocide (which I find dishonorable if you ask me, if I was an Armenian I would never ask Turks to pay anything to me) is a tactic, but it won't work. If Armenia wants good relations in the first place, let us talk without the concept of money. Why are they insisting on compensation? We can put this black page into our history books, educate our new generation, we can even organize a day for condemnation and mourning. But why money? Things get uglier when one side asks for banknotes. It is not sincere then. I am all in for sentimental payments though, we can do whatever. But payment? No.

You're envisioning massive cash payments when even symbolic things like inviting families to return to their grandparents' villages, setting up memorials, officially apologizing, etc. would be beyond your neighbors' wildest dreams.

Is Russia defending itself against Nazis also expansionism, since it ended up with a bigger territory?

No but they did in fact use the opportunity to pursue expansionism and subjugate half of Europe.

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