Is BLT:CSE ever going to get an update?

Exactly, the people who flung shit when the original discussion happened were all poorly informed. All that can be abstracted is:

  1. BLT comes out, people want HoxHud to be BTL compatible (most of the people asking haven't ever done any programming in their lives)

  2. Olipro, to make HoxHud BLT compatible makes a pull request (a pull request is a request to add a selection of new code, modifications to an open source project, or merge other projects. If approved by the project leads, it takes effect) on GitHub which would make BTL a bi-compatible hook with both the new and old system.

  3. The BLT team closes the request in uncertain circumstances (as seen here) and Olipro is less than pleased

  4. Olipro releases BLT:CSE, a bicompatible version of BTL which has not since been updated, further fragmenting the modding scene, but it supports HoxHud, all the old hook mods and most of BLT.

  5. Various uniformed and mostly entitled people fling shit at various other people over not much and countless others get rather confused confused over the whole thing.

  6. BLT continues as normal, people return to flinging shit at HoxHud for being closed source, breaking every update and not being immediately fixed and other inconsequential things.

  7. People now have to choose if they want to use HoxHud with BTL:CSE and get some outdated BTL support and get full support for the old hook and all the old mods. or use BLT, loose oldhook support and HoxHud. Mods like PocoHud sit in an odd situation where there are forks maintained by various people that sort of support BLT, BLT:CSE and oldhook, but none are the same version and most are broken.

This could have been resolved easily, a long time ago, if people where prepared to talk more, compromise more and fling less shit when being uninformed.

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