How Australia responded to Europe's refugee crisis 66 years ago


Tradies are rich scum. They are the lowest of the low.

Do I work.


Normal working people are the people living lives of quite desperation, wondering how they're going to afford next months rent, wondering if they're going to be homeless next month because of the housing shortage in Sydney. They're the ones earning 2003 wages, but paying 2015 prices. They're the ones pouring the lattes, delivering the goods, driving the trucks, working in offices that give privileged old people like you the luxurious lives that they live, without having ever worked for it or having known what it means to earn something.

Normal white english speaking people are those who find it easiest to get jobs who are part of society. They're finding it hard to survive. Foreign refugees won't be able to get jobs or support themselves.

There are lots and lots of different countries of the world. Some of the people from them come to live here. There are other place besides Australia where people do fine. Being Italian is not a disadvantage it is a race. Oh by the way I'm Greek.

51k jobs means nothing. There are ridiculous numbers of people on welfare who cannot get off welfare. As I said, you're just some rich old guy.

There is a national housing shortage and housing is affordable. Obviously there will be some advertisements on domain. Stop with these ridiculous posts. If you continue with this crap I will use dark magic to send an evil spirit to your home.

I see everything as facts, logic and numbers. There are not enough houses or jobs in Sydney, the fuck do you want more people for ?

The problem is lefties and rich people. Both are insanely toxic groups who are fucking up this country with their idiocy. Sane people like me who go: problem + solution = solved and the ones being ignored and drowned out by fuckwits. If I had my way, they woulda built more houses in Sydney. Prices would be coming down, they wouldn't be going up. My government would go - well fuck. Lets build a whole heap of houses somewhere and help these people rather than arguing about it like fuckwits. BUt then people like you wouldn't get a free 1 million dollar hand out so I'd get voted out.

Also I would fucking banned the unions, so people would still have jobs.

Not even going to address the king hit comment. What a load of nonsense.

Couldn't' give a rats arse what you think pal. In life there are winners and there are losers and the winners gloat. You won and you're gloating but don't think for a second that you're some kind of angel. You're not, you worked just as hard as everyone else you just got paid more and were in the right place at the right time.

I tell ya what I have learned and that is socialism is a load of crap. I just work my arse off and then when some prick turns around and says "waa waa I can't fee my family" I'm goign to be all "fuck off pal and tell it to the 10 or 20 people you fucked over in your life and how arrogant you were when you had a good job just fuck off you shoulda saved your money insteada spending it a bunnings then abusing some poor kid acting like you're top shit b.c ur house went up 100k in 4 mintutes just fuck off pal".

Geralt would 100% be on my side. You're an evil merchant talking about how all the elves are filth. Politics should be banned and rich old people banned from speaking that way where there is problem the government can just pay a bunch of builders to build more houses and when refugees come you just build them some more houses and put them in the houses. Problem solved. None of this politics bullshit with every cunt trying to make a buck out of immigration and acting like "he worked so hard".

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