Brag about your net worth and how you got there, I want to read some stories.

40m, unmarried, no kids (ever), hit $800K NW today.

Lower middle class midwest start. Definitely no trust fund here! Loans to get through college (BS in Computer Engineering). Starting job was relatively low pay ($45K/year) in a midwest state. First thing they did was fuck me out of $10K in stock. Bastards lied to my face and I had no feasible recourse. Lived beyond my means for several years. Eventually bumped my salary up and moved to Texas. Consistent 401K and Roth contributions, some employee stock purchase action and a nice severance several years back. Current house has also appreciated a good amount since buying.

Definitely regret starting my career in the midwest. That's where you retire, not where you earn. Would have started in California, shared a place with a bunch of other programmers, and socked away bank. I'd have been worth $1MM years ago.

I could be farther ahead if I busted my ass and took on more work or contract jobs or bought a rental property but I'm content. Good job, good hours, low stress, no money worries, lots of time for fun outside of work. Not the best FI story but it is what it is.

/r/financialindependence Thread