British School Bans Skirts "to have gender neutral uniforms for the sake of transgender kids" Even Though Girls Already Have the Option to Wear Trousers

I disagree. If your comment is vague, people who want to interact can't know what to assume about your message. Your comment is not long enough to assume people didn't read it to the end, which may be the case in a different situation.

You said "Honestly I think this is better for boys", which implies your personal opinion on the value of such an action for the benefit of the boys. The second sentence does imply the consequences of that opinion being taken to some harmful extreme against the freedom of a society, but that's still just a harmful extreme in a Muslim Middle Eastern context, so the first sentence feels distant enough from it and explicit enough to sound as your actual opinion. You can't blame people for taking it seriously. If you said "Middle Eastern societies are bad for the boys even thought they've taken this path" or "Middle Eastern boys don't have better even though they've applied this principle", it clearly contradict your first point and elaborate your opinion for everybody to understand.

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