bruh. ik there are far more pressing issues rn but if i seriously have to stay in my toxic ass household for one more year and spend the first fall semester of college online i legitimately don’t know how I’m going to survive lmao.

when i first started college, it was really difficult. and when i tried to get support for the amount of control my parents were imposing (randomly taking the savings that i earned, showing up to my dorm unannounced, tracking my location constantly, calling constantly, and disapproving of my relationships and actively trying to destroy it, and whatnot) people kept saying i have a choice and i’m an “adult” and can do whatever i want and that i’m a spoiled rich kid with parents who can afford to pay for your college.

it’s not as easy as it sounds. i looked into it. i seriously considered it because i felt like i was suffocating everyday. i wasn’t a citizen then so i couldn’t get some bigger scholarships. FAFSA and my school don’t give a shit if my parents WANT to pay, only if they can. i’d be stuck with private loans of 120k+ by the end of college.

it’s not realistic. we know it’s hard to get out of it. we just need support from our peers.

/r/ApplyingToCollege Thread Parent