What was the scariest/creepiest thing that has ever happened to you?

This is not supernatural, which makes it worse.

Backstory: my aunt is a mess. She has three kids that she neglected before she left them and her husband (who we found out is a pedophile) at the family home to run off with her sister’s man. She’s still legally married. Every boyfriend she’s had since 2004 has been an illegal immigrant from Central America. That’s like ten guys. She’s also a former hooker and has a rap sheet. She’s wrecked three cars and borrowed thousands of dollars from her parents and has maybe given a couple hundred bucks to help out with her three kids, one of whom has autism. She refused to sign over custody of her younger two because she was afraid of being arrested if she stepped into a courthouse

Basically, she’s a terrible person and mother. She also abandoned her cat with my family because she was going to jail and it’s been four months since she got out of jail. Cat is still there.

On mother’s day, she came with her boyfriend, who does not speak English. Us ladies are talking about stuff when suddenly, the guy speaks. My aunt translates.

He wants to know about my plans regarding kids.

This guy has never met me and never spoken to me. I don’t think he knew my name until that day.

I say that my husband and I are waiting a couple years. Which is true. My aunt and her boyfriend converse in Spanish for a little while and she then asks me something.

She wants me to have a baby for her. As in she wants me to get pregnant, give birth and then hand it over to her.

The father of the baby is left up for debate. Considering the type of men she’s been with before, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had demanded I let her boyfriend (idk his name, so I’m calling him Juan Jose) impregnate me. The alternative is that she wants me to make love to my husband and then give her the fruits of our union, to hand over our lovely tri-racial baby and then go on with my life. And she wanted me to do this for free. And Juan Jose just stared at me the whole time, with this weird look on his face.

/r/AskReddit Thread