This guy is a hero! What a beautiful story.

LOL, American education at its finest. Bro I wrote a Masters thesis on American soldiers and systematic sexual violence in racialized countries. No country even comes close to the amount of atrocities U.S. soldiers commit against women and children globally. Western (primarily American, U.K, and French) soldiers are so efficient at mentally dehumanizing POC that even one-time soldies participate in the gang rapes and torture of girls and boys. There's tons of compounding reasons why its so easy for white soldiers to do this, that don't exist for POC.

Meaning, the avg POC brain wouldn't physically allow them to commit the same atrocities. Ofc there are exceptions, but noticed I said 'average'.

Its a really interesting and new subfield of conflict analysis and international relations, I'd be happy to send you my thesis to make up for the gaps in your knowledge. Srsly lmk because everything you said about Vietnam is bullshit propaganda.

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