No pictures of me as a kid

Counting a couple class photos there is perhaps 4-5, somewhere. Growing up pre cell phone and in crippling poverty there wasn't ever any video, and very few photos. When parents split so did the very few photos. But never once do I recall a photo of me being displayed anywhere ever. In my family only when someone d!es does an old, faded photo of them magically appear from out of nowhere and be display onto someone's wall forever.

Seems like yet another good reason to someday ex!t. Perhaps then a photo of me will appear and forever be placed on someone's wall or mantel to collect dust. Who knows, some lying-ass hypocrite with an empty heart and a guilty conscience may even pass a glance at it and summon a fake tear and spew lovey-dovey BS about how much they loved me, how much they cared about me and what a great person I 'was'. Yea, right! lmfao

/r/CPTSD Thread