C++ Help With Tic-Tac-Toe Game Please!

This is what I have now, and the program actually seems to be functioning somewhat properly for some reason or another after toying around with it.

It switches players just fine actually, but it doesn't actually output that it is that player's turn. It just constantly says that it's the first player's turn because of the way I have my loop set up, but I was thinking maybe I need to change the inputFirstTurn variable to get it to work.

What do you think?

int main()
    int x, y;
    char inputFirstTurn, inputMove;

    Board gameBoard;


    cout << "Please enter which player will go first (x or o)." << endl;
    cin >> inputFirstTurn;
    cout << "Please enter the coordinates of player " << inputFirstTurn << "'s first move" << endl;
    cin >> x >> y;

    inputMove = gameBoard.makeMove(x, y, inputFirstTurn);

    TicTacToe game(inputFirstTurn);


    return 0;
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