Can we have a 4th role for Raids and Dungeons?

I haven playing around with the idea of a support class. The Soulbinder. Its a 3 spec class that can operate as off-dps, off-tank, or off-healer depending on who they are BOUND to.

The class will bind with one player. Usually dps, depending on the encounter. They need to comminuicate. Im thinking it would have skills like these, where the binder would pre-actively activate short duration buffs, and where the bound would have to burst during that short window. Im also thinking they could share some sort of rotation. Its a plated class. If they bind to a Tank Spec, they'll become Battlebinders and work both as an off-tank and with the ability to pre-actively use short burst abilities to mititage for the main tank. As Warbinders, where they bind with a dps, they'll have skill like these:

Premonition: The binder forsees and empowers an offensive ability of your soulbound by a massive ammount. 15 sek CD.

The majority of their dps should come from whomever they are bound to. The focus is cooperation between the dps and preditcing periods of high burst. It should have a high skill ceiling.

What do you think? :P

/r/wow Thread