can we address the elephant in this room?? why are left authoritarian people hanging out on this CHOMSKY sub???

ya that is good thinking..i think some people are not understanding anarchism theyre like thinking its bad to be against the government BUT here is no problem with being an anarchist who supports the government people are just confused about anarchism??

i think chomsky is saying this

like chomsky is being clear about this here i think??

"...we should "expand the floor of the cage." We know we’re in a cage. We know we’re trapped. We’re going to expand the floor, meaning we will extend to the limits what the cage will allow. And we intend to destroy the cage. But not by attacking the cage when we’re vulnerable, so they’ll murder us. That’s completely correct. You have to protect the cage when it’s under attack from even worse predators from outside, like private power. And you have to expand the floor of the cage, recognizing that it’s a cage. These are all preliminaries to dismantling it. Unless people are willing to tolerate that level of complexity, they’re going to be of no use to people who are suffering and who need help, or, for that matter, to themselves."

/r/chomsky Thread Parent