Does Chomsky favor early Wittgenstein or late Wittgenstein?

Yeah, I knew Chomsky replied to Wittgenstein's behaviorism, because he had a big fat reply to behaviorism in general in the early 70's, but I figured he wouldn't have done the sort of exegesis of Wittgenstein's brown and blue that I think of when someone's talking about Wittgenstein's later period. But hey, yeah, it looks like this article suggests otherwise. If you're interested in reading the article, I can get it for you. I might download it just to see which articles/books of Chomsky's this author uses as Chomsky's response to Wittgenstein. I get the hunch that it's not gonna be one of those really painstaking 'close readings' of the brown and blue that you get from people who do serious work in OLP.

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