Noam is close minded

I think OP has a point about the left, generally.

No they don't, they're wasting time and engery on a vulgar troll that should simply be downvoted.

The idea that people believe false things because they've been propagandized does not in and of itself imply thinking that much of the population is "dumb"; but claiming that you in particular have not fallen for the propaganda and can see past it does seem to imply that you have some special intelligence or insight that the woeful masses lack.

You're prescribing Noams appeal as just false enlightenment and esotericism, which is fallacious. That reduces him to a huckster and his reasoned positions to illegitimate religion.

The fact that Chomsky claims that, eventually, anyone can see past it[learn to recognize propaganda] doesn't change the fact that it took him/you/us to get them to see it.

'him/you/us'?! 'Him', Noam has never pretended to be a Moses or Messiah. 'You' is greatly exagerated flattery, while 'Us' adds conceit, because 'we're all so smart'?

It's plainly insulting to the public suggesting he's somehow far above 'them', backhanded hagiography, that no one else could have discovered what he did (everyone suspiciously and conveniently forgets Ed), and had never formulated anything similar, as if precursors couldn't possibly exist. Noam as just a modern intellectual giant standing on no ones shoulders and we're all supposed to be intellectual pygmies beside him. It's an uninteresting false dichotomy.

It's mostly insulting nonsense. Chomsky (and Herman) merely described a theoretical model of the political economy of mass media. They never claimed to be reveal the 'Truth', behind all (mass media) lies. They're not sleazy sunday preachers selling snake oil. At best their work provides some analytical tools which some of his audience can use or not, and a framework to understand them within, provided they've examined things for themselves come to similar conclusions. IMO He has always expressed instincts of a good social scientist.

This is a slightly better troll. OP gets users to post relfexively with the obvious shallow insults, revealing themselves to be flanked by more serious trolls like this one.

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