Can ArchiSteamFarm (a Steam trading card idler program) be installed without superuser rights?

At first, I was surprised that it actually worked for you. Setting the installer script to executable, and then running it fine..? Installing without being root is a thing, but... I didn't think this would be one of these cases.

ASF is a C# application that is running on .NET Core platform. This means that ASF is not compiled directly into machine code that is running on your CPU, but into CIL that requires a CIL-compatible runtime for executing it.

I read this, and thought that maybe that was why.

But then it dawned on me..

...I'm pretty sure the ASF you downloaded and are running is a pre-compiled binary* (which is pretty common for Linux-compatible applications these days), and all you needed to do was run the program, just like an .exe file (compare with portable Windows apps).

  • Note: If this is the case, you are not running a script; you're running a binary executable! was, though.

I didn't install anything before running whatever I'm running in my screenshot right now (It's the main executable in for the latest Release in GitHub). In the folder is a lot of .dll files, so...

When you ran, what output did you get? Are you sure it passed?

I mildly suspect that what is actually going on is that ASF is merely running on its own (vic. with whatever files it came packaged with).

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