Can INFJs tell when someone has feelings for you?

this is an interesting question - yes and no. there are two sides of this for me. the yes: i developed feelings for one of my closest friends who i'd known for years. i spent about a week wondering if he also liked me and then i asked him and he said he did.

And could you sense whether or not your feelings were requited beforehand?

again, yes and no. up until that point, there were a lot of indicators that he did like me. i think i had problems identifying these correctly because i was self doubting and had categorized all signs as 'thats probably just platonic.' i definitely knew how much he appreciated me and that he probably thought i was an indispensable part of his life, but i had no idea if it was platonic or romantic. i think i also transcribed being unsure of my feelings into a similar kind of uncertainty. HOWEVER, i never would've asked him if i didn't think my feelings were requited. maybe that was subconscious for me. in short, i was pretty sure he liked me but i had no way of knowing so that scared me shitless.

I'm just wondering if any of you who have made things work with your romantic interests ever got confirmation that you weren't just imagining what you were feeling all along.

so yes, it actually took some ups and downs but things are working out with my romantic interest, in fact, probably better than any observer would've imagined. I think all the problems and opposition we faced along the way actually made us a lot stronger and closer, and really helped us fight for what we wanted the no:

Can INFJs tell when someone has feelings for you?

sadly, i have found that in the past i can be quite oblivious. this had led to numerous problems with people suddenly and (to me) inexplicably declaring feelings/infatuation with me. weirdly, with people i don't know well or haven't known long, it's actually easier for me to tell if they may like me. then i make steps to distance myself from them, if i can. however, i still find it hard to pick up on signs if they're not blatant. in the past, i've tried to distance myself from the people i can tell are starting to like me. the problem with this is i think i project my ideas/feelings/lack of feelings onto the world in general. i also fit other people's behavior to my ideals. i.e. if someone does something that fits into a criteria that i label as 'not platonic' then it'll ring a warning bell for me. but for literally everything else, i'm just oblivious. i also think i'm really oblivious to normal social boundaries because of how easy and casual my closest friendships are. e.g. i'll often show up at my best friends house and just announce 'i'm here, let me in' and she'll do the same to me, so if someone else shows up at my house, it's weird but doesn't rings any bells for me (which, now that i think about it is probably kind of stupid) at times when people have declared feelings for me, my brother and now bf have said 'called it' or 'we saw this coming from miles away' and i was like 'WTF??!??!' and then '.......... oh ok maybe.'

all in all i think it just comes down to the situation. if you're going through the classic 'i have feelings for you but i don't know if they're requited and this friendship is too dear to lose,' then just ask them. the only way to find out is to just be upfront about it. as for the 'i don't want to lose this friendship' mentality, your friendship probably only means so much to you because you have feelings for them. chances are, if you lose them as a friend, your friendship didn't really mean that much to them anyway. you lose more by not taking any risks in your life.

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